For 70 years, United Way of Denton County has been here, caring for the vulnerable in our community and building a stronger Denton County for you.

70 Never Looked So Good!
Thank You for Joining Us to Celebrate #70YearsUNITED!
Thriving together, Denton County is a healthy community with strengthened resilience, wellness and financial security where everyone, regardless of age, have the opportunity to flourish.
To improve lives by mobilizing Denton County communities to action so all can thrive.
Guiding principles that support the culture, behavior and decisions of United Way of Denton County include Compassion, Integrity, Commitment to Excellence, Customer Focus, Diversity, Accountability, Transparency, Scalability, Fiscal Responsibility, Continuous Improvement, and Staff Retention.
Sixteen people establish the Denton Community Chest, later renamed United Fund, dedicated to raising funds for local charities and using coordination to aid local relief services.

Denton United Fund changed to United Way of Denton to increase awareness through advertising and sponsorship with United Way of America.

1992: United Way of Denton becomes United Way of Denton County to reflect our county-wide reach.
1993: For the first time, United Way of Denton County fundraising campaign raises $1 million to improve lives.

2004: With United Way of Denton County's help, the Healthy Communities Coalition opens People's Clinic to provide low-cost primary health care.
2005: United Way of Denton County coordinates community-wide efforts to aid victims of Hurricane Katrina resettling in Denton County.
2006: For the first time, United Way of Denton County campaign raises $2 million to improve lives.
2008: Financial stability volunteers prepare the first free tax return for a Denton County taxpayer through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Learn more about VITA's impact >
2009: United Way of Denton County hosts the first Project Blueprint (now Board Leadership Institute) to train community members to serve on nonprofit boards. Learn more >
Following the Denton County Citizen's Council on Mental Health, United Way of Denton County with help from the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, helps convene the Denton County Behavioral Health Leadership Team. As an advocate for overall mental health, we serve as the backbone organization for this team that advocates and facilitates a collaborative person-centered behavioral health system to repair and restore lives. Learn More >
The Denton County Behavioral Health Leadership Team piloted a new process, called collective impact, based on an integrated and collaborative structure that coordinates community-based health and human service efforts to advocate with a common agenda, pool resources, standardize measurement, share results, and avoid duplication.
Following the issue of a report from the Mayor’s Housing the Homeless Task Force, United Way of Denton County and the City of Denton contributed to the launch of the Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team. This collective impact group is designed to implement a strategic approach to the analysis and reduction of homeless in Denton County making it rare, brief, and nonrecurring. Learn more>
United Way of Denton County, the North Texas Low Income Tax Payer Clinic and other collaborative partners establish the Denton County Veterans Center, housing a variety of services under one roof to assure effective and integrative care for Veterans and their families. The anchor program of the Center is the Veteran Community Navigators, a program piloted by United Way of Denton County in 2016. Learn more about Veteran services>
United Way of Denton County in partnership with North Central Texas College launches the Denton County Workforce Success Leadership Team to create systems change for workforce initiatives in Denton County. Learn more>
Denton County Commissioners Court turned to United Way of Denton County to mobilize critical federal funding in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. From 2020-2023 over $40 million was dispersed to help stave off economic devastation for Denton County with much-needed assistance with rent, utilities, food, and building nonprofit capacity to handle the increased need.