Denton County Veterans Center
Monday - Thursday, 9:00AM - 4:00PM
by Appointment
More than 41,000 Veterans call Denton County home. The Denton County Veterans Center has increased capacity to serve these Veterans by consolidating a variety of services assuring effective and integrative care. The Center houses the Veteran Community Navigator Program and other Veteran service providers to guide and serve Veterans and their families.
The Denton County Veterans Coalition serves as an advocate for Veterans and their families. DCVC facilitates collaboration among Veterans organizations and community resources to resolve individual and collective Veteran issues.
A Veteran counselor is available to assist Veterans in filing their VA disability claims
Monday - Friday | 469.625.8156
The VCN works directly with the Veteran and/or their dependent to provide referrals for their specific needs. The VCN provides timely service, reliable communication, and confidentiality for the Veteran and their family.
Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM | Friday by appointment only.