Our Landlord Engagement team centralizes communication between landlords and housing service agencies to increase access to safe and affordable housing for Denton County households in crisis.
The program began as a pilot and exemplifies the public-private partnerships we strive to foster. Funding from the City of Denton and City of Lewisville, as well as private donors, enabled our Housing Navigation and Landlord Engagement program to take off. This led to US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding to expand services even further.
Assisted households are comprised of individual, families, Veterans, and single mothers surviving domestic violence. A vital component is Landlord Engagement which further supports housing service nonprofit case managers assisting clients, while increasing the involvement of affordable housing property managers across Denton County.
Our Landlord Engagement Specialist serves as the bridge between case managers needing affordable units for their clients and landlords with vacant units to fill. If a problem arises with a tenant in the program, the landlord can make one call to the Specialist. And they have the assurance their tenants are receiving social services needed to support stable employment, access to childcare, and education to increase their workforce skills.
Our Landlord Engagement Specialist has connections to over 100 landlords and property managers in Denton County, but more are always needed. If you own or manage rental property in Denton County, contact us to learn how you can participate.
Sharon Lee
Landlord Engagement Manager
Email: Sharon@UnitedWayDenton.org
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